Laser Journey


8 to 9 p.m., June 22, 2024


Journey 3x2

Laser Journey

Laser Journey: Don’t Stop Believing - With world wide album sales of close to 90 million records, Journey is one of the biggest arena rock bands ever. Featuring dazzling guitar solos and melodies you can’t help but sing along with, Laser Journey brings this timeless music to life in brilliant laser light. Whether you first fell in love with Journey's songs while rollerskating in the 80’s, watching American Idol or Glee, Laser Journey is a fun for audiences of all ages.

As a bonus to this the special event, all ticket holders will be able to visit our Science Exhibits throughout the evening, open from 6 to 10:00PM. Special music and lighting effects will be present in the exhibit halls during these events. Explore our vast and fascinating universe through two floors of exhibits covering marine life, planetary science, insects, and more!

Runtime: 54 minutes
