Dark Side of the Moon - 50th Anniversary

This show has passed. Visit our Laser Light Music Night events for current shows.

Celebrate—and experience—the pivotal album and the Moon's dark side

Wednesday, March 1
6:00PM to 10:00PM
1601 E University Blvd.

Laser lights on a moon exhibit

Commemorate the anniversary of The Dark Side of the Moon, released on March 1, 1973, with a special event at Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium at the University of Arizona.

The evening features an interactive talk on the dark side of the Earth's actual moon and a classic laser light show set to the album.

The exhibit halls will be transformed with special lighting and (Pink Floyd) music during the event.

Buy tickets to one or both of the planetarium presentations below.


Special Activities

Evening hours for exhibits with special lighting, music, and activities from 6 to 10:00PM.

Included with lecture or show ticket >