Science at Sunset: Dark Skies, Dark Energy

mayall telescope with DESI instrument on Kitt Peak

Saturday, July 29th
1601 E University Blvd.
6PM to 10PM

Come discover the cool science happening in our hot desert in our new summer series! Our next event is July 29th, titled “Dark Skies, Dark Energy".

This evening's talk delves into the instrument known as DESI, or Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, which is installed on the Mayall Telescope installed on Kitt Peak located 55 miles west-southwest of Tucson. Comprised of 5000 robots, or "eyes", DESI is conducting sky surveys to look deep into the cosmos and discover the mysterious physics of dark energy. 


  • The lecture and planetariums shows are SOLD out.
  • Visitors are welcome to explore our science exhibits for a special reduced rate of $5 per person.
  • If parking near Flandrau is full, the Cherry Garage is nearby and free on weekends.
  • Telescope viewing is dependent on weather and cloud cover


A fun-filled evening for all ages! Flandrau’s exhibit halls will be open with demonstrations, including its newest exhibit “Undersea Discovery."

Included in the all-inclusive ticket

$5 per person day-of (still available)

Flandrau at Night Exterior with people Ultra wide


Our Universe is expanding at an accelerating pace. But what is the mysterious driving force responsible for this expansion? To answer this question, a team of astronomers has been using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument - DESI - to precisely map the night sky in three dimensions. With its 5000 robotically positioned fibers, DESI is capable of measuring distances to thousands of far-away galaxies and quasars simultaneously. A look behind the scenes will reveal how the largest ever 3D map of our Universe is being made from data taken from the Mayall Telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona. The early observations are giving us a glimpse of DESI's full potential, and have already led to scientific discoveries spanning 11 billion years of cosmic history. By 2026, the survey will map over 40 million galaxies and quasars and unlock our understanding of the role of dark energy in shaping our Universe.

Included in the all-inclusive ticket

$5 per person day-of (SOLD OUT)

Stephanie Juneau


(Cancelled due to weather) Take a break outside to peek through telescopes at points of interest in the night sky. Telescopes will be available for viewing on the lawn in front of Flandrau from 8-10PM.

Free for everyone

Telescopes on the UA Mall


At 8:30 catch “5000 Eyes”, a fulldome show that highlights DESI's 5000 independently operated robots that can measure the light from thousands of galaxies at once. Join us as we explore the science, instrument, and people behind this global endeavor happening in our own backyard!

Recommended for general audiences.
Themes: astronomy, telescopes, dark energy, Tucson

Included in the all-inclusive ticket

$5 per person day-of (SOLD OUT)

Kitt Peak


Take a relaxing look at the night sky as we give you a guided tour of the stars, planets, constellations, and current astronomical events above Tucson. This live star talk is constantly changing!

Recommended for general audiences.
Themes: Stars, planets, constellations, mythology.
Style: Live night sky presentation.

Included in the all-inclusive ticket

$5 per person day-of (SOLD OUT)

Tucson Sky and Beyond planetarium show